Enemy of My Progress (Episode 12)

Last Updated: October 17, 2023By Views: 90

I saw a man in the open space in our compound repairing cars. I decide to approach him to ask who he was because his face was strange to me.

“Good afternoon sir. It’s like you are a mechanic,” I enquired.

“Yes sir,” he answered excitedly. I could guess that he thought that I was a potential customer.

“I am a mechanic too and I live in this compound. Please, where is your workshop?”

“I newly rented this space. It will serve as my shop. I have been searching for a place but an agent connected me to the landlord.”

I considered the landlord’s action a grave wickedness. I approached him to rent that place for me but he told me that he doesn’t want such work in his compound. How could he give the place out for the same mechanic work. I decided to confront him over his action. My thought was that he would apologize but I got more than I bargained for. In fact I regretted taking that step.

“Iyk, who owns this compound?”

“It is you sir.”

“Who should take decision about what happens here?”

“I am not questioning your authority; sir. It is just that you told me that you don’t want mechanic work in your compound.”

“Of course I told you that, but I later changed my mind.”

“But sir, you should have told me or at least try to find out if I am still interested.”

Truly, I never expected the backlash that followed immediately.

“I should consult you before I take decision in my house. Who are you? Are you the commander in chief of the armed offices or who? So if someone had told you that I will give you a space in my house to do business you will agree. Is my house a place where mad people have feast? I thought that you are only stupid but now I have discovered that your case is worse than that. Anyway I am not as stupid as you are. Allowing you to do business in my house means signing in for trouble. I am not ready for that. Now listen, you rent expires 30th of next month. Start searching for another accommodation. If I see you in my house a day after 30th January, you will have a feast with criminals in prison.”

I needed no one to tell me that my villagers were at work ones more. Their latest trick was to cause enmity between me and my landlord. A man I never quarreled with. I had never owed him house rent. What else could I have done against him to warrant such a change in attitude. He used to love me so much. I decided to ask him.

“Oga landlord, why do you hate me this much? What is my offence?”

“Silence is the best answer to a fool.” He responded.

I pointed at myself.

“Me, a fool?” I asked.

“No, it is your twin brother. Please leave my sitting room before I let loose the dogs. Imagine the audacity and temerity to question me in my house.”






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