My Selling Point (Episode 6)

Last Updated: October 12, 2023By Views: 108

I and Mummy eagerly awaited 10:00pm but time seem to drag so long. We were intermittently checking the time to make sure it doesn’t pass. After what seemed like eternity, the long awaited 10:00pm finally arrived.

Immediately I drank the concoction, my eyes became heavy. I struggled unsuccessfully to wade off sleep. When Mummy noticed what was going on, she brought water and washed my face but that was like water poured on a stone. I struggled in between sleeping and being awake for the next two hours before Mummy left me for her room.

Early in the morning, Mummy contacted Mrs. Don to tell her what happened. The outcome was that Mummy had to pay for another concoction. She became uncomfortable when the same episode repeated itself and decided to discuss the matter with daddy.

“Dear, have you not noticed that whenever Judy drinks that concoction she feels drowsy? I am suspecting that the concoction is specially prepared to induce sleep. I will drink it to confirm my suspicion.”

“Really ? Go ahead and drink. It is at the market place that they will strip you naked for stealing. I warned you not to go to any native doctor for solution but you were adamant. Whatever comes out of it, you will bear it with your head. You have a child that have vowed that stealing will be her occupation in life and you are disturbing yourself about her.”

“My dear, it is not fair for you to say that she decided to be stealing. Judy found herself in a situation that is beyond her control”

“Who are you to determine to me what is fair or not. If you insist on searching for solution in places that I did not recommend. Whatever, you see, you will take it.” Daddy said in anger.

Mummy became confused. She has already planned with Mrs. Don to go back to the native doctor but daddy’s threat was giving her a huge concern.

She was still thinking about it when Mrs. Don visited. She was surprised that I and my mum was not ready for the journey.

” What is going on? Why are you not dressed. Please, if you are not ready I will go back to my business place. You ought to be more worried than me concerning this case but you are dragging your legs. Bola has even warned me to keep off this case. I don’t know why I am adamant,” She said in an anger tone.

” Ore please don’t be offended. Thank you for being a good friend and standing by me. The challenge is my husband. He warned me to desist from moving around, searching for solution,” mummy explained.

” Why would he do that? Is he happy with what has been going on?”

“He believes that most of the people I’m meeting might be fake.”

” That is the truth. We don’t really know who to trust. But we cannot fold out arms and watch. Judy’s case is deteriorating each day. ”

“That is my concern. Please advise me. What should I do?” Mummy ask.

“You have to obey your husband.”

” Are you sure of this?”

” What do you want me to say? I don’t want you to say that I am the one that caused problem in your marriage. But know that the this girl’s case need urgent attention. Women are the worst hit when things like this happen. Both the family and society will heap the blame on you while the man will be moving freely. I will suggest that we should secretly find a solution to our daughter’s problem. We must not tell your husband.”

“It’s okay, thank you so much for standing by me. I am really surprised that you could do all these. I thought that everyone would abandon me like Bola did.”

“No, I can never abandon you. As for Bola, please don’t be offended about her behaviour. She is acting out of fear. She still loves and pray for you.”

“It’s well. It is an unfavourable condition that made crayfish to bend. I thank God for this kind of situation that reveals everyone’s true identity,” mummy said in tears.

We got ready and set out for the journey to the native doctor’s house. When we got there, my mother complainedly bitterly about the concoction.

“Baba I am not happy. I am wondering if that concoction is purposely made to induce sleep? Why is it that whenever my daughter puts it inside her mouth, she could not resist sleep.”

The native doctor smiled and asked my mother to drop cola for the gods. My mother was angry so she refused to mind him. But Mrs. Don begged her to obey. She finally dropped a huge sum of money.

The native doctor started making incantations. After a while, he looked up suddenly.

“The enemy is within. The enemy is working hard to ensure that she does not become free. That is why she sleeps off whenever she drinks the medicine,” he explained.

“Please help us to stop her from stealing. Later we can talk about the culprit,” Mrs. Don pleaded.

“If the culprit is not exposed, she cannot be free” he said firmly.

“So how do I know that person that is responsible for this? How do I expose the person? ” Mummy asked.

“The person has already given you signs but you are blind. Who is that person that is stopping you from searching for solution. That person has questions to answer,”

“Baba, you are telling lies,” I blurted out, without thinking.

“If not for your mother, I would have caught of your tongues for saying that the gods I’m serving are telling lies.” The native doctor threatened.

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