Negative Touch (Episode 14)

Last Updated: October 19, 2023By Views: 112

The burden that Mrs. Gad was having, become too heavy that it affected her physical appearance.

Lots of people noticed that something was wrong with her. Though when they inquired, she refused to talk to them.

Her elder sister visited her home and noticed that the glow on her has disappeared. She decided to find out what the problem was.

“My husband is the problem. He joined some members of the church to be fighting a man of God.

I have tried to talk to him but he did not listen to me. I don’t know what to do.”

“What! My sister, you are in trouble. A very gigantic one for that matter. So this kind of thing is happening and you are here, cooking and eating. You did not declare prayer and fasting, even call me to join you. A man that his house is on fire does not pursue rat. Do you know that this kind of thing can wipe out an entire generation?”

“I never supported him. I have been warning him against it. I have been praying too, which includes fasting. When you came, you where the one that noticed that something was wrong with me and asked. That shows that I have not been silent about it. The only thing I never did was to tell people to join me in prayers. The only person that I normally feel free to talk to whenever I had challenge was my pastor and his wife. They were my prayer partners. But this issue concern them. It made me confused. I don’t know what to do.” She broke down in tears.

“Listen to me and listen very well. It is not yet time for tears. Save this tears till when you meet your pastor. Then, fall on your knees and plead for forgiveness. Continue crying till you receive a positive word from him. Do you want to become a widow?”

“God forbid! It is not my portion,” Mrs. Gad prayed.

“Good, then put it in practice. Rush inside, dress up and run to meet your pastor. Delay is dangerous,” her sister warned.

“Okay, let me serve you food first before I go.”

“Look at this woman. Who is talking of food? Please go and dress up and come so that we join hands and pray, then you can proceed to meet your pastor.

Another thing is that we are going to map out time to be meeting and be praying for your husband. God will surely change him. Whatever it takes for God to change him, let it be done unto him. Even if it is the experience that Saul had on his way to Damascus.”

Mrs. Gad did exactly as her sister instructed. When she got to Pastors office, she felled on the floor weeping.

“Daddy, please have mercy on me. I have sinned against you. Find a place in your heart to forgive me.” She was weeping profusely as she talked.

Pastor was confused.

“Sister what is the matter?”

“I want you to forgive me. Your forgiveness means a lot to me and my family. Please…”

“What am I forgiving you for? I need to know your offence”

“Daddy please forgive my husband.”

“Sister, if your husband has done something wrong, and you want to ask for forgiveness on behalf of your husband, then go and talk to God. He is the one that forgive sins. Please get up and go home.”

“Daddy please don’t chase me away. Don’t allow me to become a widow.”

“This matter does not concern me. It is between your husband and God. I don’t know what I did, that made them to hate me. I called them, knelt down and begged for forgiveness. Though, I don’t really know my offence. Yet they refused to listen to me. I have been praying that God should forgive them. I will never wish any of my member evil. By the grace of God, no evil will befall them. However, it is necessary that they retrieve their steps. They should not continue in sin that grace may abound. It is dangerous for anyone to fight a man of God especially, when that man of God has not offended that person. It amounts to playing with fire. Find out from your husband how I offended him. I will not hesitate to apologize to him. I will do whatever is within my power to make him happy as far as it does not involve committing sin.”

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