Negative Touch (Episode 7)

Last Updated: October 17, 2023By Views: 118

Pastor was walking around the church surroundings, trying to survey the environment. He noticed someone touch the church gate. On a closer look, he discovered that it was Mr. Friday. Pastor’s face lit up when he saw him. He had sent a WhatsApp message earlier to Pastor, informing him that he had a testimony to share with him.

Immediately Mr. Friday sighted Pastor, he hastened his step and came to meet him. He greeted Pastor with a bow.

“You are welcome sir. How is the family?” Pastor inquired.

“They are doing well sir. Your prayer is really working for us .”

“To God be the glory,” Pastor responded.

Since he had already informed Pastor of his purpose for coming, Pastor quickly took him to his office.

“You are welcomed once again. You told me that you have a testimony to share with me.”

“Yes daddy. God has been faithful to me. God has really blessed me through your ministry. I must confess that your ministry is a huge blessing to me and my household. God will continue to honour and lift you higher.”

“Amen! All glory to God,” Pastor responded.

“As I was saying, God brought you to this church because of me. My life has totally changed since you came. First is my spiritual life. I now pray, study my bible like never before. Then coming to my business, God has been faithful, my business is moving forward. I just counted my blessings yesterday, and I decided to come and let you know that God has blessed me through your ministry.”

“Brother, I am happy to hear the testimony of what God is doing in your life. I think that it is better for you to testify before the congregation. It can help in giving hope to people who are giving up on God.”

“I cannot testify before the congregation. I am afraid. If I testify, they will start attacking me. I know my level spiritually. It is true that God is gradually building me up through your ministry, I have to still observe some caution till I’m sure that my prayer life and faith is what it ought to be.

Then, I will come out to testify of the goodness of God in my life. But for now, please be praying for me.”

“No problem, I will not force you to go against your wish. But there is one thing I want you to note. The lord protects his own. My prayer covers every member of the church who is doing the will of God. As far as you did not break the edge, serpent will not bite you.”

“I believe. Daddy, I believe.”

“I really thanked God for this testimony . Let the name of the Lord be glorified. I cover your testimony with the blood of Jesus. It shall be permanent in Jesus name,” Pastor prayed.

“Amen! Fire! It is settled! But sir, something has been worrying me. It is about the elders of the church. I don’t think that some of them love you. They are not doing the things expected of them. I have been in some churches and see elders work passionately. Sincerely, our elders are not really trying. In fact, they want to bring down your ministry.”

“The ministry belongs to God, no man can bring down the work of God. But then, the elders of the church are trying their best. They are doing as much as they can. It’s just that the work is not easy,” Pastor told him.

“Daddy you don’t understand me. I know what I am saying. The other day. I overheard elder Femi and Gad discussing about you. They vowed that they will do everything to bring down your ministry and even ensure that you are posted out of our church. When I heard that, I was really sad.”

Pastor was tempted to narrate some of the ordeals he had passed through in the hands of the elders but He received a whisper from the Holy Spirit not to go that direction.

“My brother, it is well. God will continue to help us. Just be remembering the church in your prayers.”

Mr. Friday left in disappointment. He couldn’t get anything from Pastor to report back to elder Femi. So he decided to formulate things by himself using things that some church members were saying about elder Femi. His plan was to remain in Pastor’s good book by always testifying that Pastor’s ministry is blessing him. Then any information he gets from Pastor, he would take it to elder Femi in order to prove that he is with them.


“Elder Femi hmm! Pastor does not like you at all. In fact if not that he is a pastor, he can poison you,” Mr. Friday told him.

“What!” Elder Femi hollered. He clenched his fists in anger as if he wants to punch someone.

“Yes o Pastor said that among all the elders, you are worst. He said that you are a two edged sword. The worst is that Pastor said that you are married to a Jezebel.”

“You mean Pastor said all these?” Elder wondered aloud.

“Yes he did. I used style to lure him into the discussion.”

“But what exactly did you tell him that made him to say all these against me.”

“Nothing o. he kept on dragging the discussion toward you. In fact, he was complaining about the elders. But your own was worst. He said that serpent will bite you because you broke the edge. I was even trying to explain to him that you a nice person but he didn’t listen to me. I just begged him to forgive, if you have wronged him in any way. He insisted that he will never forgive you.”

“Beg him for what? Why will you beg him? Just leave the matter. Did you hear me? I said leave matter for Matthias. I will handle it,” elder Femi boasted.

“I was actually hurt by Pastor’s utterance. It is not fair. We all know your sacrifice in the church.

The contribution of your family to the church is enormous. You have been an elder working for God. Your wife was the women president. And she made lots of sacrifice. Since they used politics to remove her, the women has scattered. If not for you, this church will not be standing today.”

“Does your pastor know all these things? He has been taking me for granted. But this time, I will show him that I am not a gentleman at all,” elder Femi continued raging.

Mr. Friday secretly sneered. “That will be nice o. To fight who is fighting you is not a crime.”

As he left Elder Femi’s house, he was murmuring to himself. “This man. So he thinks I am supporting him. I am just trying to position myself well, so that I will be in the good book of anyone that wins the fight.”

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