Painful Wish (Episode 4)

Last Updated: October 14, 2023By Views: 198

Joyce heard a soft tap on the door. She felt that it was Nnenna.

“Come in, the door is not locked” she ranted happily.

She was surprised when the door opened and she saw a strange face.

“Good evening, my name is Kate. I am the cook. I brought your food,” the woman told her.

“Kate, cook. I don’t understand?” Joyce told her, even as her imagination ran wild.

“I mean that I am the one that cook for the family. I am here to bring food for you,” Kate expantiated.

” I’m sorry, please forgive my manners. It’s just that I thought that Nnenna is the one that cooks.”

” No. it’s me o . Oga will not allow Nnenna to go close to the food he eats. Not after doing that her work.” Kate replied with smiles.

” What is Nnenna’s work? Why will oga not allow her to go close to food that he eats. I’m asking because I am supposed to take over her work. Since I came, no one has told me anything. I am curious to know.”

Kate went closer to Joyce and lowered her voice to talk to her.” Don’t worry. I believe oga is coming back today.

Immediately he comes back. You will know your work. You will not hear it from my mouth.”

“Why can’t you tell me? Is it a kind of secret or what? Why is everyone keeping mute about it,” Joyce asked. She was becoming more curious.

“Why didn’t you ask them the exact work they are paying you millions for?” Kate fired back at her.

Sudden fear gripped Joyce’s heart and she started weeping.

“You guys are scaring me. Why can’t someone talk to me,” she cried.

“What are you crying for? You have not even started the work and you are crying.

Let me advise you, save the tears. You will need a lot of it to shed when they finally introduce you to your work.” Kate smiled bitterly and left.

On the second day. Joyce lay down on the bed shivering with fear, she just woke up from a terrible dream.
The dream made her to remember what Nnenna told her yesterday when she brought her to the room.

“What does she mean by ‘Your madam’s husband does not tolerate disobedience,your head can go for it’ Was she just trying to scare me or she really meant what she said” She thought to herself.

To her, Mrs. Smith does not look like a wicked person or who her husband is maltreating. A woman who is beautiful like that with a tender smile cannot live with a wicked man,” she assured herself.

But the encounter she had with the cook and the dream made her to feel uneasy. She could not really understand what was happening to her. Suddenly her phone rang. She felt so happy when she discovered that it was her mum.

“Hello mummy.”

“Hello Joyce, how are you?”

“Mummy, I am not really fine.”

” What is it? Is it headache, malaria, typhoid? Have you taken any medicine?”

“Mummy I am not sick. I have resumed the work but I don’t think that I am happy being here.”

“What happened? What kind of work did they ask you to do?”

“Mummy, I have not even done any work. My madam told me to rest for 2 days before I will start working in the house.”

“Ah! God will bless that woman. She is a very nice person. There is no cause for alarm. She just wanted you to feel at home before you start working. What of the other girl?”

“She is still around.”

“That wicked Omo Igbo, be careful of her. I am sure that she is not happy that you are there but you are a destiny child. Nobody can put out your light.”

“Mummy, I don’t think that Nnenna is wicked. It’s like she was trying to save me from unseen danger. I wish we can return the money we used to buy the land. I don’t feel like working here anymore.”

“Shut up; this child. Ah! My enemies are at work. I know that it is my husband’s brother. Satan will punish him. Since he heard that news, he has not been happy. Maybe he has gone to native doctor to make you change your mind.”

“Mummy, no one went to native doctor. Please leave my uncle out of this.”

“If that is the case, then what is your problem?”

” Mummy, I just had a terrible dream. Mrs. Smith took me to a lion’s den. She was watching as the lion was trying to devour me.”

“Joyce listen to me. That is a mere dream. You imagination is just playing tricks on you. I want to beg you my child, do not let this opportunity slip through your finger. This is a kind of opportunity that comes once in a life time. Please have mercy on your mother. People have been mocking me that I don’t have even a single hollandaise in my box. But God have used you to change my story. Just yesterday, I went to the market and bought 5 different designs of hollandaise wrappers. Have you seen it?”

“Mummy what did you just say? You used the money I gave you to establish business to go and buy wrapper,” Joyce lamented.

“Don’t worry yourself my child. More will come from where that one came from.”

Joyce was very angry she decided to end the call in other not to say what will hurt her mother.”

“It’s alright mummy. I will talk to you later.”

“Okay my child. My millionaire child. God will bless and keep you for me. Bye.”

Joyce quickly dropped the call.

“What kind of mother is this?” she muttered.


Nnenna had been looking dull and unhappy since Joyce’s arrival. Normally she was supposed to be happy because her freedom was near but she felt otherwise.

“Another human being is not supposed to pass through what I have been passing through,” she cried.

Mrs. Smith had noticed that Nnenna had been reserved and unhappy. It’s true that Nnenna had not really been a happy girl since she came to that house. That day’s own was so pronounced. It was like Joyce presence reminded her of her early days in that house.
She decided to go into the room to have a talk with Nnenna.

Nnenna was startled when her door suddenly opened. She looked and it was Mrs. Smith. On sighting her, she couldn’t control her emotions, so she sobbed the more.

“Nnenna, what is the problem?” Mrs. Smith asked.

“There is no problem ma. I am fine.”

“How can you say that you are fine? You don’t look fine. But then, you are supposed to be happy that your deliverance have come. Allow Joyce to carry her cross, after all it was her choice. Circumstances beyond your control brought you here, but it’s her choice to be here.”

“But ma, no human being is supposed to pass through what I have passed through in this house.”

“Nnenna we are all victims of circumstances. There is nothing we can do about it.” Mrs. Smith told her.

“Did you say we?” Nnenna asked.

“Yes. I, you and Joyce are victims of circumstance. I have to go now.

Take this advice. Don’t allow my husband to notice that you have any emotional attachment to Joyce. If he does, you will not leave this house”.






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