The Infallible Detective (Episode 16)

Last Updated: October 12, 2023By Views: 70

When they got to the police station, Zina wanted to play smart, but Itohan’s recordings implicated her. When she discovered that there was no way of escape for her, she started pleading for mercy.

When Mrs. Paul heard that Zina has confessed to the crime, she decided to inform Uloma.

” Ulo my baby, there are some steps I took since last night that I didn’t inform you. I am so sorry. I know that I needed your permission, to do so. However, I never wanted you to stop me from doing it. I did it for your own good.”

“There is no problem ma.”

“The police arrested Itohan and Zina this morning,” She told Uloma.

“Hei! I hope they will not hurt them.”

” No one is hurting them. But Zina has confessed that he sent the men that attacked you.”



“Zina why? I didn’t offend her in any way. She just took the matter personal. Zina just hated me for no reason ” Uloma was crying as she was talking.”

“It’s okay my baby. Stop crying. The Lord has already fought your battle. However, I want to seek your opinion on how you want the case to go. Do you want the matter to be charged to court?”

“No ma. Please, I don’t want to make trouble with anybody. I want them to be released ,” Uloma pleaded.

“Not too fast my dear.They will surely be released. But they have to promise that no evil will befall you. Another is that I want you to pack out of that house before Itohan comes back.”

“Ma, but I need time to secure another accommodation.”

“There is no problem about that. First, we get your properties out of that house. Later you can search for accommodation, if you wish.”

“Thank you ma. I appreciate it.”

“Please, can you say ‘thank you mummy’, I love you as my daughter. Please be the daughter that I never had,” She pleaded.

Uloma was surprised when Mrs. Paul said that she doesn’t have a daughter.

“But mummy you have daughter, named Ngozi. Why did you sound that way?”

“My dear, that is what majority of the people thought. But unfortunately, it is not so. I never gave birth to children,” Mrs. Paul spilled

“Hmm! I’m surprised to hear this.”

“They were given birth to by my husband’s first wife. Unfortunately, he was snatched by the cold hands of death. When my husband got married to me, I decided to train them as my own. I loved them and they loved me too. I tried my best to make them not to miss their biological mum. All was going well until Ngozi, the first child wanted to get married. The mother’s younger sister insisted that she must be the one to appear as the mother of the child.”

“Why would she do that?”

“My dear, I don’t know. In order for peace to reign, I agreed but my husband refused. He insisted that I must appear as the mother because I trained her . Ngozi supported her father too. But since then, things has never remained the same. That woman turned the heart of my children against me.” She started sobbing.

“Mummy please, stop crying. Your children love you. There is nothing anyone can do about it. I remembered how you and your daughter were doing before she got married. Many of us admired the mother -daughter relationship and wished to do so with our mother. She cannot easily forget those moments.”

“Ngozi has forgotten. Though, it is not her fault. She was brainwashed. Her aunty told her that I was dating her father before her mother died. She also told them that I was the one that killed their mother.”

“But mummy, don’t be offended. Is it true?”

“My daughter,it was after the death of their mother that I met their father. When he told me that he already has 2 children, I told him that I can never marry him. But our pastor told me that since the children were tender, there would be no problem. He advised me to train them as my own. That was exactly what I did.Their mother died while giving birth to Ngozi. So, how did I kill her?”

“It’s alright ma. God will fight your battle,” Uloma assured her.

“Amen! That is my prayer. When Ngozi gave birth, I quickly went there to take care of my grandchild. I was surprised that her mother’s sister was already there. But that was not surposed to be a problem. The house could accomodate all of us. I joyfully went to carry my grandchild but the woman did not allow me. She called me a witch that came to kill the baby. She said that it was my wickedness that made me not able to bear a child.”

“Did Ngozi not rebuke her?”

“My dear, she was mildly telling her to stop but the woman didn’t listen to her. Though,I know that if it was when she has not poluted Ngozi’s mind, she would not try that rubbish. I quietly carried my bag and left.”

“I’m so sorry for what happened to you,”Uloma sympathized with her

“My dear, it is well. That is all in the past. Uloma please, be my adopted daughter. I have always loved you and wanted to draw you close to myself. It was God that brought you to my house last night. I know that you have parents. They will always be your parents. But I want you to also see me as your mother,” She pleaded.

Uloma could not believe what she heard. She had always loved and admired Mrs. Paul because of her humility. Though she was married to one of the richest men in church, she loves and respected everyone.

“Mummy it’s my pleasure to be your daughter. I love you so much mummy

“Wow! You sound so sincere about it. I love you too my daughter.” She rose to give Uloma a hug with smiles.

Because of Uloma’s pleading, Zina was not prosecuted. She and Itohan was released on bail the same day, after signing an under taking that no evil will befall Uloma.

When Itohan got home,she met a shocker; Uloma’s properties were missing. When she inquired from a neighbour, she was told that Uloma came with a car to pack her load. On hearing the news, Itohan broke down in tears.

“Why are you crying? Hope there is no problem?” Her neighbour asked.

Uloma shook her head without saying any thing.

“Itohan, things are not right. Why is it that Uloma packed out of the house without telling you. Another thing is that you are acting strange. What is the matter?”

“If I tell you, will you solve the problem. Please, stop disturbing me,” Itohan snapped.

“I may be of help. You never can tell, “her neighbour persuaded her.

“It’s okay help me find Uloma,” Itohan told her.

“Is that all?”

“Yes, I need Uloma. A fast flowing flood is about to carry me away. I need Uloma’s advice,” I.T cried.



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