Unworthy Ambassador (Episode 1)

Last Updated: October 19, 2023By Views: 161

There was jubilation and shouts of joy among the singers. The pastor had just announced that election for the praise team leaders will take place immediately after church service. This attitude of the singers was strange to me because of my background.

I came to Lagos six months ago for the compulsory one year service for Nigerian university graduates (NYSC). After the three weeks orientation at NYSC camp at Ipaja, I was posted to a Shopping Mall as an account officer. Having settled down at my Place of Primary Assignment (PPA), I quickly located the nearest branch of my church and start worshipping with them.

Since I joined the church, I noticed a lot of things. Though same denomination as my previous church but difference in attitude to worship, dressing, etc.

After the church service, I was faced with another shocker. As I was sitting quietly at a corner of the church, waiting for the commencement of the election, a drama was playing out. The former praise team leaders were moving from person to person canvassing for votes. All, apart from the president, reminded me of their former position and solicited for my support to be re-elected.

Their action got me worried. I was still wondering if that was actually happening in church when I heard the voice of the praise team coordinator, Mr. James. He declared the commencement of the election and urged all singers to come together. Modalities for the election were reeled out. Then, prayers were said; asking God to give the singers leaders after his own heart.

The first position elected was that of the president. Three people were nominated but the former president, Justine clinched the position. The vice presidential position was the same. The former vice president, Godwin was elected.

For the position of the secretary, the first nomination was the former secretary, a female, was nominated secondly. Then a brother by name, Lawson raised his hand to nominate the third person. When he was given the chance to nominate, he announced,

“I am nominating Kingsley Okeke.”

The coordinator in his usual manner declared, “Kingsley Okeke, please stand up for recognition.”

Immediately I stood, there were rounds of laughter from Justine and his cohort. Mr. James who could not understand the reason for the laughter demanded for an explanation.

“Kingsley does not dress well. We all know that leadership is not an easy task. Someone who cannot perform the simplest task of dressing properly, what kind of leader will he be? That was why they laughed.” Justine explained.

Mr. James could not believe what he heard.

“Are we here for fashion parade or a spiritual exercise? I am highly disappointed in you all. Someone was nominated for a leadership position in the house of God; you are not bothered about his spiritual standing. You are not even concerned about his leadership qualities. All you are thinking about is the size of his wardrobe and, in extension, that of his pocket. Now I can guess the crop of leaders you will have because it is obvious you are the ones making the choice not God. I pray that God will have mercy on you all.”

Surprisingly, when the election was conducted, I emerged as the secretary. Lawson was voted in as the financial secretary, while a sister by name Vera was the treasurer.

As soon as the election was over, the president accosted me.

“Kingsley, I am not comfortable with the way you dress. Everybody expects a singer to always dress impressively but you are a bunch of disappointment. I have been trying to endure it because you were just a member. You are now a leader, you have to make an adjustment. A leader in church is an ambassador of Christ and have to do things the way Christ does. Have you ever heard that Jesus wore second class clothes? The bible said that we are joint heirs with him.”

I was stung by Justine’s words but I managed to remain unruffled. I could not understand how not wearing new clothes and being joint heir with Christ was connected. I felt he was just quoting the bible out of contest to suit his ulterior motive. I made a move to point that out to him.

“But sir…..”

“Hold it there,” he barked at me and left the sir hanging in my mouth.

“Who are you calling sir? Am I older than you? Let me remind you because I can sense that you are daft. My name is Justine. You can call me that. Though, other excos and members call me Presido. I am fine with it.”

“That’s noted, Presido.”

“Anyway, I called you to give you an instruction as your leader. I don’t want us to deliberate on it. Go and improve on your dressing.’’

“It’s alright Presido, I will try my best.”

Having assessed the situation at hand, I thought it best to humour him rather than get into an argument.

As he walked away, I could not help but wonder why he hated me so much. The level of his animosity against me seemed to increase on a daily basis.

Justine’s attitude did not come as a surprise to me anyway. Majority of the praise team members does not like his style of leadership but they dared not complain openly for fear of his fiery temper. What however surprised me was that after complaining, they will still vote for him to be their leader. I however concluded that God might have allowed that for a purpose. I could be wrong. What do you think?



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