Unworthy Ambassador (Episode 12)

Last Updated: October 19, 2023By Views: 85

“This is a simple matter. When you come to work on Monday, start acting like you are sick. We know that boss will surely ask what is wrong with you. Then on Tuesday when you are set to go for the interview, call boss on phone and inform him that the sickness is still disturbing you. Of course when you are sick, no one would expect you to report for duty. Afterwards switch off your phone, lock your doors and go for the interview. Even if boss decides to check on you at home later, you can tell him you went to the hospital. As for why your phone was switched off, even boss never expects power always.”

That was Peace, my colleague in the office. I was in a fix and she was trying to help me straighten out things. Earlier in the day, I got an invitation from a reputable company to attend a job interview. The interview was slated for Tuesday, 8:00AM. I was excited initially, but suddenly, I remembered that Tuesday was a working day. That meant I must obtain permission from my boss before I could attend the interview. I was confused. So I consulted my colleagues.

“Peace you are a crook. I never knew that your brain could conceive such a smart idea. Boss should start proper and careful stock taking of his goods,” Chike joked.

“You are a senior crook. I have been under your tutelage,” Peace retorted.

“Peace’s idea is good but I have my own suggestion. I think you should call the boss on Tuesday morning that your cousin living at Epe collapsed and was rushed to the hospital. Remember to tell him that two of you are the only close family relatives here in Lagos. If you tell boss that, he will even give you transportation fare,” Chike advised.

On hearing that, Peace started hailing Chike. “Wow, this a brilliant idea and an uncommon one too. Chike you are a genius. I am becoming jealous. I wish I was the one that had an interview to attend. Kingsley, what do you have to say?”
“All I have to say is thanks, but no thanks. I will not descend so low because I want to attend an interview. It is either I tell boss about the interview or I forget about it.”

“Suit yourself then!” Peace told me and continued with her duties. I was left with Chike.

“You want to tell boss that you are getting ready to quit his job isn’t it|?” Chike asked me.
“After that interview, pray that they employ you. The truth is that even before you are done with the interview, boss would have found a suitable replacement for you. Do not say that I did not warn you. A word is enough for the wise.” He left me on that note of warning.

I thought about the issue. How easy will it be for me to walk up to my boss and tell him I am attending a job interview? The other option is to forget about the interview. But for how long will I continue in that level? I made up my mind that I will inform my boss about the interview and bear the consequence.

When my boss arrived, I summoned courage, went to his office and told tell him about the interview. Upon hearing it, he asked me to sit.

“Kingsley, be assured that I will always support any pursuit that will make your future brighter. I appreciate you for telling me the truth. Some of your mates would have used sickness as a cover up. God will bless you for your sincerity. If that job is the will of God for you, you will surely get it. Though, I have become fond of you and would not want you to go, I will also not be selfish. I wish you the best.”








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