Unworthy Ambassador (Episode 20)

Last Updated: October 19, 2023By Views: 94

There are some persons who have succeeded to write their names on the sands of time. People always remember and talk about them for good. Donald David was one of such persons.

He was born and raised in our church, but he later relocated to Abuja. Though, Donald was worshipping in one of the branches of our church in Abuja, he contributes financially to any major projects in our church, here in Lagos.

I was in church one Sunday, when I overheard someone saying that Donald was around. I became so excited and inquisitive to know who he was because I had heard lots of good things about him. I approached one of the ushers and asked him to show me Donald. He pointed at a man who I guessed should be at his mid-thirties.

After a while, an usher approached me and handed a note to me. I opened it and read.

Dear Kingsley,
I will love to have a brief meeting with you immediately after church service. Thanks
From Donald.

I was surprised. I didn’t know that he knew me.

“What could he possibly want to discuss with me”, I wondered. It was impossible for me to guess.

I was exchanging pleasantries with someone when I felt a tap on my back. I turned and it was Mr. Donald.

“Go—–od afternoon sir,” I stammered out of a mixture of shock and excitement.

“Same to you sir,” He responded with smiles. “I had to hurry and catch you before you disappear. Anyway, I am the Donald that sent you a note earlier. I am sure that you may not know me?”

“Today is my first time of seeing you sir. But I have heard nice things about you.”

“That means that I am ahead of you. I know you before now,” he informed me as he dragged me to a corner for us to sit.

“I was here last year and I saw you minister in songs. I was so touched by your ministration that I wanted to know more about you. I approached Pastor but all he could tell me was your name. He said you were a new member, and he didn’t know much about you.”

“That is the truth. I joined this church early last year.”

“Kingsley, I am so happy to see you. I was afraid that before I come, other churches would have carried you away from us. I’m surprised that they have not seen you.”

“Sir, they have been coming for me. But first, I made a decision that I will not leave this church except God directs me otherwise. Secondly, the ministry God gave me is for the whole world. I will not tie myself down to a particular church because of money.”

As I was talking, Mr. Donald was nodding in agreement.

“I think you are the man I have been searching for. I met with Pastor yesterday and he gave good report about you. He talked about your commitment and humility. Please keep it up. I have seen potentials in you. I will like to assist you in any little way I can for you fulfill God’s purpose for your life. I will help you to produce your songs if you have any.”

“Do you want to partner with me,” I asked in excitement but never waited for the answer.

“I will really appreciate that. Thank you sir.”

When I said that, he looked at me for a while smiling. Then he responded,

“Whether you call it partnership or sponsorship, they are the same. All I want you to know is that I am not interested in gaining anything for it. I want to help you stand on your own, and then I will move on to other assignments that God may bring my way. For now, you are the assignment that God has given to me.”

“Wow! I can’t express my joy. God will bless you sir.”

“All thanks to God. I have just a week to spend here. I want to suggest that we start making enquiry concerning the studio you will use by tomorrow. What do you think?”

“Tomorrow is fine but I need to obtain permission from my employer.”

“That is the right thing to do. Though, you may not need that job anymore. Can I have your phone number?”

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