Unworthy Ambassador (Episode 21)

Last Updated: October 19, 2023By Views: 126

Mr. Donald lived up to his promise. He paid for my studio sessions and I produced two albums. After that, videos of the songs were shot. He didn’t stop at that; he sent the video CDs to all major television stations in the country for advertisement. The song was also advertised on social media platforms like Youtube, facebook, instagram and Tik tok.

Within three months, I became a household name in Nigeria and beyond. I was being invited to almost all major Christian functions as a guest song minister. Of course the honorarium was huge.

The transformation in me was so much that people who knew me marveled. Everyone wanted to associate with me now, including those who detested me in the past. Though I was ready to welcome anyone who chose to come around, shame did not allow some people to get close.

Some persons who dealt with me tried to make amend. One of them was Justine. I was in church when he approached me.

“Good afternoon bro Kingsley.”

“Good afternoon Presido,” I replied in wonder. For Justine that feels so big respond to my greeting, now being the first to reach out to me.

“I must be dreaming,” I thought but subsequent statements, that he made, convinced me that it was real.

“My brother, I have been looking for how to approach you and ask for your forgiveness. My problem started from the first day you ministered in songs in church. I discovered that you are talented. Instead of me to appreciate and celebrate you the way some other members did, I became jealous. I saw you as a stumbling block. I felt that if you remain a member of praise team, I will not shine. You know that I always like to be at the center of everything. I have done a lot to tarnish your image. I have been to both Pastor and coordinator to tell lies against you. I went as far as victimizing any praise team member who associates with you. My aim was to frustrate you out of praise team or even make you leave the church. I am sorry for everything I did.”

“Presido, I hold no grudges against you, though your actions towards me were hurting. I was a helpless boy searching for means of survival. Only a smile from you would have eased my pain. I don’t really blame some of you for your actions. My dressing called for it. But was it my fault?” I asked, before continuing with my speech.

“I wished to dress well but I couldn’t afford it. All the same, I have forgiven you a long time ago. If God could forgive all my sins, have mercy on me and then lift me, I would be selfish not to forgive.”

“You are a true definition of what Christianity is. I knew that you had forgiven me. Your action towards me shows it. It is just that I have been suffering from guilty conscience. I once called you an unworthy ambassador but that statement describes who I am. My behavior does not befit that of a Christian. Making me a leader in the house of God was an error. I have realized my mistakes. I pray that God will forgive me.”

“God does not despise a broken heart and a contrite spirit. Though, I will suggest that you meet other persons you might have offended and make amends.”

“Sure. I’m committed to that. Please can you help me with Lawson’s phone number?”

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