Unworthy Ambassador (Episode 23)

Last Updated: October 19, 2023By Views: 173

It was Justine’s birthday. I offered to take him to any place of interest of his choice but he rejected the offer. Instead, he told me that he had a request to make and I obliged him.

“How did you manage to endure all the insults and maltreatment I meted out to you without retaliating? Now, instead of paying me back in my own coin, you are showing me kindness. Whenever I think of it, it beats my imagination. This explanation will be the best birthday gift you could ever give me.”

“Presido, I am not a super human. The Holy Spirit made it possible. There was a time I felt like retaliating. On the day that you embarrassed me out of exco meeting, I felt so bad. At a point, while I was waiting outside, the flesh expanded your action to me. It pointed out the need for me to teach you a bitter lesson. But the quick intervention of the Holy Spirit saved the day for me. The Spirit of God brought an issue that happened in the past to my remembrance.”

“What exactly did you remember?” Justine asked.

“While I was studying in the tertiary institution, one of my co-tenants named Joe was my nightmare. He made my life miserable. Our source of water in the compound was a well. I wanted to fetch water one evening but Joe did not allow me.”

“Why did he do such a thing?”

“His anger was that I had not paid my share of electricity bill. I pleaded with Joe that I will make payment the next day but my pleadings fell on deaf ears. Other co-tenants tried to intervene but it yielded no result. Unfortunately, every one fears him. His words were law. After a while, I made a move to go and fetch water and that got Joe infuriated. He dragged the bucket from me and broke it. Breaking the only bucket I had was more than I could take, so I rushed at him like a hungry lion. By the time I was through with him, no one could recognize him. There were bruises all over his body. My co-tenants were so happy about what I did to Joe. One of them bought two buckets for me and filled them with water. Others cooked food and brought for me. But I was in pain, I cried all night.”

“Why were you crying? Did he wound you?”

“Does he have the ability to wound me? You should never wish to fight with me.”

“Of course I will never want to fight with anyone. Not after what Lawson did to me. What Lawson did to me was better imagined than experienced. If you were there, you will cry for me. That was the first day in my life that I wished to have you around. As he was beating me, I thought of it that if you were there, Lawson would not have done what he did because he respects you a lot.”

“Does it mean that people were not there?”

“People were around. Instead of them to make peace, they were clapping and hailing Lawson. May be they felt it was payback time for me. Even Godwin, who had been parading himself as my friend ran away. He was happy about the incident.”

“Ah… that was unfair,” I said out of pity.

“My dear brother, I got what I deserved. That was the reward for heaping enemies for myself. Back to our discussion, why were you crying?”

“I was crying because of the disgrace I had brought to myself and my faith. I had presented myself as a child of God. I preached the gospel. But because of provocation, I fought my co-tenant. How would I preach again? The next day, I went to Joe to ask for forgiveness. I also explained to my neighbors that I was wrong by fighting Joe. All that notwithstanding, it took me a while before I could talk about Christ in that compound. The only good news is that I leant my lesson from that incident.”

“Thank God for the lessons you learnt. That was my saving grace. If not, I can bet that I would have received ‘the Joe treatment.’

When he said that, we both busted out laughing.

“No, you are my president. I would have given you a presidential treatment.” More laughter.

“When the Holy Spirit reminded me of that incident, I broke down in tears and felt helpless. When I got home, I wept all through the night, asking God what to do. The only answer I got was that I should keep praying for you. It was not easy for me but I had to do it.”

“I don’t think that I can do that. How can I be praying for someone who is persecuting me? Instead, I’d pray to God to deal with such person.”

“You said the truth. The flesh would not want anyone to do that. I was able to do it because, the Holy Spirit aided me. I followed the leading of the Holy Spirit.”

“I was once baptized in the Holy Spirit; that was the only experience I had.”

“That is where the problem lies. The Holy Spirit is not supposed to be a once upon a time experience. We ought to relieve it daily. I will suggest that you go back to God in prayer, ask him to fill you afresh. When you are filled, hold on to him by living a holy life and obeying his leading. Another is by daily communication with him through prayers and studying the scriptures.”

“I will do as you said. I really need the Spirit of God.”

“Presido, I thank God for your life. Intentionally provoking and mocking people in church attracts God’s wrath. Luke 17:1 But in your case, grace found you.”

“I appreciate God’s mercies. But I didn’t totally go scot free. The beating that Lawson gave me was hard to come by.”

I never knew that there were some beatings that are hard to come by. As I was trying to meditate on that, Justine continued with what he was saying.

“Seriously, that beating was not cheap. On a more serious note, I was accused and stigmatized for a crime I never committed. Every one believed I sent assassins to you because of my behavior. All the same, I thank God for everything. It has helped me to erase the thought of being a superman. Now, I stay out of trouble.”

“You are right. But in addition to that, if you can allow the Holy Spirit to work out his purpose for your life, everything about you will change for the better. Then, every tongue that had said evil against you will turn around to say good. Watch out!”

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