Unworthy Ambassador (Episode 4)

Last Updated: October 19, 2023By Views: 124

Our church is a big one with close to one thousand members but information spreads there like wild fire; especially, if it’s bad news. There are few rumor mongers whose work is to sniff around searching for information to spread and characters to defame. So, I was not surprised, when I found out that majority of the members were aware of the previous day happenings in praise team’s exco meeting.

However, I discovered much to my chagrin, that the matter had been twisted. The persons who disseminated the information added condiments to it. The members that approached me to know exactly what happened had different versions of the story. Some said they heard that Justine slapped me and walked me out of the meeting because I came late. Others said they heard that Justine suspended me because I embezzled money. All the same, I told them that I didn’t want to discuss the issue with anyone. They tried to cajole me to talk to them, emphasizing that I needed to clear my name but I maintained my stand. So, eventually, they let me be.

Later, one of the members, Stanley by name, came requesting to follow me home. He explained that he had an important issue to discuss with me. On getting home, Stanley opened up discussion concerning what happened between me and Justine. I was disappointed to discover that was the issue he wanted to discuss with me.

However, I explained to him what had transpired between us.

“It’s a lie!” He exclaimed in a feigned surprise. “Are you telling me that your fellow man walked you out of meeting just for coming late and you obeyed him? Abi e put something for mouth?” He said in Pidgin English, implying that Justine was using charm on me.

“Is Justine taller than you?” he asked fixing his gaze on me.

“I think I’m slightly taller than him,” I answered wondering what he was driving at. But the question and answer section was yet to be over.

“Is Justine fatter than you?” he asked again.

“Of course not! Why are you asking these questions?”

“I want you to know that Justine is not your match when it comes to fight. Any other time he tries to insult you, beat him!”

“You mean I should fight him,” I asked in disbelief.

“Exactly! In fact don’t give him chance to commit another offence. Tomorrow, confront him for the one he did and beat him. That will silence him forever. Beside, you know that many members don’t like him. They are just waiting for who will bell the cat. Public humiliation is what Justine need.”

I was temporarily dumbfounded. I never expected to receive that kind of advice from my brother in the Lord.

Then I asked him. “What makes you think that I am the right person to bell the cat?”

“You are the person that has received the worst humiliation from Justine. Do you know what some members call you?”

I shook my head, indicating that I didn’t know.

“They call you M-U-M-U. This means ‘mumu’; a fool. Have you seen that you need to fight to redeem your image?”

I was shocked to my bone marrow but I managed to tell him that they can call me whatever name they wish. Time will tell who was really wise between me and them.

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