Unworthy Ambassador (Episode 9)

Last Updated: October 19, 2023By Views: 95

The exit of Lawson from the church dealt me a heavy blow. He had been my friend, confidant and adviser. He was the one who always stood by me or even spoke for me when Justine molests me. Lawson was the person that saw nothing wrong in being friends with a brother who lacked good clothes and shoes. In fact, the few good clothes and shoes I had were bought by him. He had a sense of humor and positive outlook to things.

As I thought of everything Lawson had been to me, tears pooled up in my eyes. I felt like a chick abandoned by the mother hen.

Lawson doesn’t take things so hard. I wondered why Justine’s attitude got at him that time. After all we all knew how Justine behaved and we have been managing him. Lawson was so committed to God’s service. He is not some one that will easily leave church due to provocation. I concluded that he became emotionally traumatized because of the financial stress he was passing through, and that created a loophole for the devil.

Lawson was one of the givers in church. The work of God would never suffer when he was around. However, things turned sour for him when the state government marked the building where his business was situated for demolition. The landlord, who had just collected one year rent amounting to a million naira, disappeared into thin air. Lawson was forced to search for a new shop to move his goods to. The payment for the new shop cost a fortune. The worst is that business was not moving at the new place.

But Lawson was positive about the situation. He believed that things would turn around for good.

As I was thinking about Lawson, Justine and Godwin walked in. I have been inside the church auditorium for a long time. People walking in and out of the church didn’t notice my presence. I lay down on bare floor between the chairs.

“Kingsley is not yet in church, this is unlike him,” Godwin expressed in a tone of surprise. He waited for Justine to respond but he didn’t.

“Presido, you are not saying anything? Anyway, I’ve noticed that the exit of Lawson is seriously affecting him. Did you notice it too?”

“What am I noticing him for? I hate his guts. Let me inform you, I have a negative surprise package for that boy. I will frustrate him out of our praise team. I don’t even have much problem with Lawson. He alone knows what sent him out of church. I was not the cause. But for Kingsley, I will not rest until he quits singing or better yet leave the church!” Justine said in a clipped tone.

“You detest Kingsley. How did he wrong you?” Godwin asked.

“What of you? Do you love him?” Justine retorted.

“Yes, I do. In fact, I respect him. That guy is loaded intellectually and talent wise. Besides, I can sense the hand of God greatly upon him. I regret ever trying to humiliate him.”

“You respect Kingsley? I don’t blame you. Why am I having this baseless discussion with you?” Justine’s face contorted with anger as he stormed out of the church auditorium. Godwin ran after him.

“So, this guy has been doing all these because he wants me to stop singing or even leave the church. He is in for a surprise. By the grace of God, I will be around for a very long time until God says otherwise,” I declared loudly.



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